Your Stories are Ba...
By EdgarMalboeuf
  • Non-Fiction
  • bad
  • better
  • guide
  • how-to
  • improve
  • literature
  • reference
  • sarcasm
  • self-help
  • text
  • write
  • writing


The vast majority of the writing I have seen on this website is worth less than the change I left upon your mother's nightstand. That means that, by statistical likelihood, your writing probably sucks too. Not in whole, mind you, but when it comes to a few of the trickier bits, you find yourself staring at a blank screen and scowling like a madman. I, on the other hand, am damned good at this writing stuff. So, out of the bottomless generosity of my heart, I decided to try and help your plebeian self. Plot exposition, character development, show versus tell, and all the little things that experienced writers know already. These are the secrets I'll drop on your lap in a vain attempt to make you learn a thing or two. I'm tired of reading all the crap on this site; don't let your work be part of it.

Your Stories are Bad and You Should Feel Bad

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Your Stor...
by EdgarMalboeuf