Bucket List 101
By Boss_Durtel
  • Teen Fiction
  • 101chapters
  • broken
  • bucketlist
  • depressing
  • friends
  • hopeless
  • idrewmycover
  • magic
  • sinsofthekiller
  • suicide
  • survive
  • surviveordie
  • watch
  • whatwillhappen
  • yaniiroman


Bucket List 101 is a story about a young girl in middle school named Yanii Roman. She has some problems and it's been like this for as long as she could remember.. Her friends all have different personalities and try to help her in anyway she can.... Then suddenly she decided suicide was her only escape. So she took out her special book her dad gave her before her parents got divorced and this was her first time reading it, it wasn't a silly old fairy tale book she was told it was.. It was a ritual book. She found a page where it said if she follows these steps and summons this specific demon, she will instantly die without any pain what so ever. Once she summond the demon, Xryombe, he said something different than what was supposed to happen, Xryombe said "Since you are the 101 person to summon me, I have a little game you need to play. You young people don't experience life like you NEED to, So, I have a list of 101 things you need to do before you can die, do one each day with your group of friends and on the day you have completed the last event, I will end your life as you wished. Sign the book if you agree." So Yanii signed the book... Read about each day in Yanii's days of living! Who will get together? Will she become happy? Will friend ships be broken? What is listed on the bucket list Xryombe gave to her?!? Find out in each Chapter! (I will most likely post non frequently due to school, and if I'm lazy and nobody reads this.) *WARNING* This story contains the following content and might be triggering to some viewers, I recommend 14+ or if you're dead inside. "Bucket List 101" contains: -Suicide - Death -Abuse -Divorce -Demons -People -Friends -Anything sickly sweet but can turn DARK and twisted. -Relationships

To Live, or to Live?

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Bucket Li...
by Boss_Durtel