Your Darkest Fear
By SpringWilcox
  • Horror
  • buriedalive
  • clown
  • cows
  • dark
  • death
  • dogs
  • drowning
  • falling
  • fear
  • fire
  • flying
  • ghost
  • heights
  • scared
  • sharks
  • snakes
  • space
  • spiders
  • water


What thing sends shivers down your spine? What makes you scream? What keeps you awake at night? Everyone has a fear or phobia that affects them in some way or another. There will be the traditional fears that are well-known and there will be a few that are very rare. There will be photos that might trigger a fear response so tread carefully when entering each chapter. This is a book about fears so expect to be scared ***** I have always been afraid of the dark, even as an adult. We are told as children that there is nothing in the dark that can hurt us. Well, I found out the hard way that was a lie. ***** The probability of being killed by a shark is like 1 in 265 million. Why do those odds not make me happy? I never swim in water to where I can't see all around me or go in the ocean. It's out there waiting for me. ***** Did you know that you are more likely to be killed by a cow than by any other large mammal? I tried to tell everyone that there was something strange about cows. But, no one would ever listen to me until it was too late. Now we are are the cattle taken to slaughter and they rule.

Fear of Flying - Aerophobia

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Your Dark...
by SpringWilcox