Venna be Mine
By jemynah101
  • Teen Fiction
  • lhenabenojar28


What will happen if you're the daughter of one of the richest family in your country and known to be the "so good to be true", when one day you're in everyday news in tabloids and newspapers about being drunk and kissing a particular person, Drake Peddleton, also known as the black sheep of their family? Will she survive from her most embarassing moment or will she runaway from all what happenned to her and never look back? ******** hello readers! welcome to my very first book. hope you'll support it and me ofcourse. and please be understanding and all because: first, as i have mentioned before, this is my very first story. second, i cannot promise you a perfect story including grammars and etc. and lastly, please dont bully me. i hate bullying. so please dont post any rude comments on the comment box. There may be chapters that are short for your liking. I promise to do my very best to keep this story going till the end. thank you and enjoy. love, mae

chapter 1

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Venna be...
by jemynah101