Still Feel Like You...
By blossomprincess101
  • ChickLit
  • chicklit
  • highschool
  • hslove
  • hsromance
  • love
  • romance


"I'm sorry I gave you hope in believing that I'd turn out to be someone special" I wish I could say that it was as simple as we didn't work out. These tears, thoughts, longings of wanting you by my side would've been long gone by now. Me being me, I need answers as to what happened between us. What went wrong. How did something so special turn out to be as ordinary as the rest. It wasn't as simple as we didn't work out, no, it was the complete opposite. We worked out so well and just like that, it was gone. We didn't know where we went wrong in our relationship. You being you, didn't need answers. To you it was just life. It seemed as if you didn't care enough to see how something so beautiful between us could turn into something so ugly. So I did the caring for the both of us. Me being me, and you being you. I drowned myself in my late night thoughts and memories trying to find the answer on where we went wrong. Luckily for me, I came up with four. The problem is, despite all this, I still feel like I'm yours.

Still Feel Like Yours

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Still Fee...
by blossomprincess101