A Truce Old Friend?...
By Enderwolf_22
  • Fanfiction
  • crossmare
  • crossxnightmare
  • errink
  • error
  • fanfiction
  • ink
  • inkxerror
  • nightcross
  • omgishipitlikefedex
  • paperjam
  • sans
  • shipping
  • tobyfox
  • undertale


(Might make a rewritten version of this story since I'm not too proud of it. If you're reading this note, leave a comment on one of the chapters if you'd want me to write a better Errink story. -Ender) On and on..... War was all it was. It was the creator and the destroyer. The creator made various worlds all with their own little twists, but the destroyer hated his creations..... 'nuisances' is what he called them. But what will happen when the creator wants to make amends with the destroyer and become friends again! Will Error agree to Inks truce or will they continue fighting till the end of time........ There also is some Crossmare in here~ Cover: by me ( WARNING! This is my first book and I'm bad at spelling but I'll make sure this won't go as quickly as other fanfics anyway enjoy!)

Chapter 1: Another Day, Another War

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A Truce O...
by Enderwolf_22