Citizen 4792
By renacollins
  • Science Fiction
  • action
  • adventure
  • apocalypse
  • betrayal
  • death
  • dystopian
  • featured
  • future
  • futuristic
  • love
  • lovestory
  • murder
  • outlaw
  • politics
  • post-apocalyptic
  • romance
  • runaway
  • sciencefiction
  • war


Nova E. Sinclair, Citizen #4792, 20 years old Sentenced to death - October 16, 2194 : Time of execution - 1800 - - - - - I thought that I would have never been chosen. It seemed inconceivable. It couldn't be my name on the board. I must be mistaken. But, I wasn't. In big, shining letters, my name was plastered on the board in the middle of the city for everyone to see. Along with another, but I couldn't even see the mans name. My vision was blurring and my heart was racing. I was on the verge of passing out. My breathing was coming faster and faster and I started to see spots in my vision. Before I lost consciousness, I felt a hand grab me by the arm to steady me. My husband. The man I was supposed to love and be with forever. I looked into his eyes with tears in my own. I didn't see any hurt in him. He looked as if he didn't even care that his wife of three years was just chosen in the lottery to be executed to help with population control. I looked away from him and back to the board. I was still light-headed, but my dizziness and fear soon turned into anger. I clenched my jaw together and stood up straight and made my way to the building that would house myself and the other chosen victim until our death day. I didn't bother with goodbyes to my husband. It wouldn't do any good. People parted ways for me to go through. Sympathy and compassion evident on their faces. I did my best to ignore them. I did my best to ignore everything. I reminded myself that this was just our way of life. A necessary evil. Two people must die every week. It just had to happen. And there wasn't anything that I could do about it. - - - - - [Start Date - 17 August 2017] [End Date - 8 February 2018] [Removal Date - 1 December 2019] [Re-upload Date - ?] [Language/Violence]

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Citizen 4...
by renacollins