Love Bounds
By iokasom
  • Romance
  • darkness
  • destruction
  • light
  • romance
  • trouble


Love bounds is a romantic tale between Xavier and rose Amelia Rose, a normal human girl with more scars than you could ever imagined and within her 17 years of life she has cheated death twice. She's what you'd call conservative, quiet yet out spoken, funny, a lover of art and with her best friend Jake, she could challenge the world without the needing of a mate Xavier masters, a god of chaos, darkness and destruction but who's heart would only beat for one person. Most considered him cold, heartless, possessive arrogant but they've never seen him before so all they could do was imagine how he was, but if only they knew the burden of the prophecy that sat on his shoulder. Join rose and Xavier on a good against evil quest where they either stay together or be divided against each other.

Chapter 1

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Love Boun...
by iokasom