Hello, my name is A...
By luumpy
  • Random
  • characters
  • creative
  • girl
  • inspiration
  • names
  • unique


Do you ever get caught up in trying to think of interesting character names? I feel like this is a VERY important part of writing that is over looked at times. I get so tired of reading stories with the same boring names that you hear over and over and over..... to each their own... but for me, I get really into the book when there are characters included with more unique names. It helps me remember the characters, as well as the story. If you are stuck or want to spice up your story a bit, take a look at the list I've compiled. I'm mostly writing this so I can go back to it from time to time if I need some inspiration choosing a name, but feel free to browse :) I will continue to add names, so comment if you think of any I don't have listed.

Just so ya know...

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Hello, my...
by luumpy