Chasing Adam (fan f...
By levinerlad5
  • Fanfiction


My name is Molly. I knew Adam in high school. He was my first love, and I was his. He is famous now, so that makes it even harder to find him again. I still love him. I was forced into a marriage by my parents at a really young age. They didn't know his abusive behavior like I did though. I finally left him. ----------- Author's Note.- Hey! You're going to meet a James in the story, well he is not related to James Valentine at all (just an FYI) also please work around my typos. i don't usually edit because I'm so excited to publish my chapters for you guys. Anyways, read my story and read about Molly. as she tries to find the love of her life again, a superstar, an award winning front man for Maroon 5! Will she find him, will they end up together? Will they find someone else? READ IT! -------

Chasing Adam (fan fiction)

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Chasing A...
by levinerlad5