I fell inlove with...
By N_I_E_G_E_L
  • Romance


Uhm. So this is the first story that I will make. Please do comment :)) This story is about You. Since I'm not a fan of '___' I'll just name you Jieun. When you were just a kid your parents died because of a car accident. Your relatives can't take care of you nor adopt you because they have their children of their own or maybe they just really don't like you. They left you in the orphanage and that's the place where you grew up. You've had so many friends there, you never wanted to leave that place until the day that you feared came. Someone wanted to adopt you. You met them and their son named Minwoo. He was cute and charming but he loves to play pranks on you. You didn't know if he really does that to everyone or he just hates you. Well. That's just a bit part. Just read the story so you'll know what will happen. I promise to finish this story so please read it. Kamsahamnida~!


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I fell in...
by N_I_E_G_E_L