Sons of Ironstorm...
By bloodsword
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • adventure
  • demons
  • elves
  • magic


Talemon, the greatest of the human kingdoms on Ramnor, has fallen to the power-hungry dark druid, Mern. Chaos reigns on the Hammer Peninsula and the Kaal Eran demons gather in the far south in preparation to burn their way north. Yet, in the face of the Return, the Sons of Ironstorm continue their quest to fulfill their destinies as Wielders and push back against the coming Shadow wherever and whenever they can. But will it be enough to stop the death and destruction promised by the Utterance? Join Lawrence, Shawn, and Patrik as they discover new powers, face new obstacles and force new alliances in their efforts to protect the Five Races of Ramnor against the Return of the Kaal Eran and their dark masters, the Lords of the Abyss.

Prologue - Broken Promise

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Sons of I...
by bloodsword