Deadly Eyes!!!!
By wicked101
  • Teen Fiction
  • boek12


He looked at me with disgust, apparently I didn?t fit his quota, and what was I to do? Change myself for him. NO!!!! Even though he had an amazing wolf with deadly eyes that set my wolf at purring, I shook myself for thinking he would actually accept me, FOR ME! But I'm going to make sure he regrets making the decision to reject me, She looked at me heartbroken; I wasn?t going to give up my life for someone like her. No way!!!! Her wolf may make mine purr with pleasure, but I am sooooo not ready to settle down to just one person for the rest of my life. As I walked away, my wolf cried, her wolf cried, but I got the intense feeling, she was going to do something, I don?t know what, but I just know. And as the alpha of my pack, I am never allowed to feel scared, But know I feel scared...

Deadly Eyes!!

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Deadly Ey...
by wicked101