The Man with the Ac...
By nerdbird2021
  • Romance
  • accent
  • club
  • foreign
  • loyalty
  • party
  • romance
  • stranger
  • teenfiction


A shiver is sent down my spine when I feel hands circle around my waist and a soft breath tickle the side of my neck. "Don't think you wore that not expecting to get a reaction out of someone," a deep voice whispers in a strong Australian accent. I want to turn to look at him, but my body decides against it having me stand completely still. "May I just say, madame, you look sexy tonight." He then lays a soft wet kiss at the base of my neck, making me close my eyes with a sigh. In the next split second, I feel his presence vanish, making me instantly miss his body heat. I turn to look behind me only to find no one. He's gone. I rake my hand through my jet black hair and touch the spot he kissed. My mission is to find the man with the accent. *** Kendall Halls has lived a reckless life. She is very confident and comfortable in herself, never forgetting to live her life to the fullest. She's had to grow up with five brothers, a strict but loving dad, and a nice and likeable step mother. With her arms covered in tattoos and having been grown up with all males, she never forgets that life is too short to live it according to the rules. However, she still never forgets to enjoy life and live in the present, not the past nor the future. Jameson Quincy has had a difficult life in the past, but fixed himself up as he got older. He may me stereotyped as the classic and cliche 'bad boy,' but little does everyone know, he has a big heart. Jameson and Kendall have both been through a lot, but go through even more together. After barely meeting Jameson at a night club, Kendall makes it her mission to find out who the mysterious man with the accent was who she could feel she had an instant connection with. Read more to find out how their story goes down.


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The Man w...
by nerdbird2021