Heads Hang lowly
By GrapeS00da
  • General Fiction
  • cute
  • gay
  • korean
  • lgbt
  • manxboy
  • war


WARNING: this is a gay story so if you dont like that kind of thing. Dont read Also there are themes of metal illness and other triggering topics so if you dont like those themes do not read. In the near future North Korea bombs the living shit out of South Korea Leaving most of Asia in poverty and most of the world in turmoil. America being America they step in and declare war against North Korea. Although North Koreans are the enemy there is still prejudice against all Koreans and any Asian that is mistaken for one. In this lame ass wartime love story includes a by the book marine that is hospitalized for physical and mental injuries and a cute mentally disturbed korean man that worked as a spy for America. These two lil cuties will face some pretty gay problems such as: being ridiculed. Dealing with loss. Acting against their gay wants and needs bc they thats what makes a good gay book right. So if that sounds too gay for you get to steppin bc idgaf. Otherwise go ahead bby

The sound of his voice

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Heads Han...
by GrapeS00da