Serpent of Light
By HeatherNicole658
  • General Fiction
  • fiction
  • historical


He who has a throne above the stars, with an assembly of utmost celestial beings; He is without a doubt the greatest of all deities. He is God, the Savior; an agent of love and righteousness. He gives relief from suffering, turmoil and harsh labor forced upon you. This is the man who shook the earth, made kingdoms tremble, the man who made the world a wilderness and whom we should love and trust. When there is one god who controls everything, does not he also have to bear responsibility for all the bad that happens? The situation is unique... It is said that God is perfectly good, but if he is perfectly good then how can he be all knowing? How would He know the feelings of jealously, anger, hate? How would He know the feelings of lust? How is it fair to convict people of such things when He has minimal knowledge? You will slowly begin to see these negative aspects of God be extracted and become a separate entity then what is known of him. He is without a doubt the greatest of all villains''. The representation of pure evil, the ultimate deceiver. He is darkness incarnated, he is Satan; an agent of obstruction and punishment. He is somewhere out there, a super-powerful fallen angel; wo became the ruler of another realm of pain and torture, whom we should fear and renounce. How do we know this to be truth? What is the proof? If that proof is examined, to where does it lead us? There proof is here, throughout these pages; you just might be surprised by what you will learn.

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Serpent o...
by HeatherNicole658