Gabentine - The Wal...
By bjnguyen12
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • adventure
  • clementine
  • clementinexgabe
  • clemxgabe
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • gabentine
  • gabexclem
  • gabexclementine
  • romance
  • season4
  • thewalkingdead
  • thewalkingdeadgame
  • thewalkingdeadseason4
  • twd
  • twdg
  • twdgs4
  • videogame


THE WALKING DEAD SEASON 4! "And he.. his name was Lee. He taught me how to survive. He's the reason I keep my hair short..." She broke down. I tried to comfort her and let her rest her head on my shoulder, letting her cry it out. Sometimes crying was the best medicine to a broken heart. I knew how she felt. Quick Summary: As Clementine leaves and heads to McCarroll Ranch in search for AJ, at the end of season 3, she ends up leaving behind important pictures and supplies that Gabe finds in her room where she stayed at New Richmond. With Javi as the new leader, New Richmond seems as safe and secure with Clint as his only worry. David's whereabouts are still nowhere to be found after he left Javi and Clem, surviving the car crash. Jesus ended up leaving New Richmond with his newfound people, promising to return to Javi when he sensed trouble in New Richmond. Kate, friend zoned by Javi, is still devastated, but this doesn't stop her from keeping the people of New Richmond safe as she learns from Eleanor, their lead doctor. As time keeps passing by, the days are changing and the resources are slowly draining, endangering the people of New Richmond. This is a continuation of Clementine's story at the end of Season 3 and begins when Gabe heads out by himself in search of Clementine to help her find AJ and repay for all the times Clementine has saved him while finding new civilizations to aid with New Richmond's troubles.

The Walking Dead (Season 2-3 Choices)

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by bjnguyen12