Stalk Me!!?
By Ichimatsu_Nii-san
  • Humor
  • humor
  • laughs
  • mlep
  • mypeoplepersons
  • nem


Random story involving the characters I've drawn and made up I mean why not... A story based on relationships between Shizuko and unique people persons I made up only part of them because I'm lazy and I want to sleep Shizuko: A human nice caring yet demanding she's loves her friends and enjoys all of their company literally is the source of this harem (lol) Chi: A vampire, I guess you can believe he's a wannabe though dark is a word to describe him I've written little about him but he's my smol child and I love him (XD) Shin: A I don't know demon murderer or something he's probably the one in my mind pulling pranks and being funny but in reality he's pretty messed up, he puts on a persona that he goes by: human he wants to act human and be human but I still don't know if he's a unicorn or not (lol) A word to describe him would be between uninterested (unicorn) or inhumane Acu: HUMAN yes he's human he's playful flirty fairly active and loves to get in trouble I swear if he had the police on him he'd be joking about them having to be stereotypes and they'd have to get their doughnuts (lol) a word to describe him would be...... Ummm trouble (but not in a bad way love him) I guess you can say he's a bit religious but I have no clue about him sometime even if I made him up Pari: I just made him up he's a human that has been made up of scars and cuts someone who rarely frowns despite his horrible past with people though he may deep inside despise human behavior he appreciates plenty of people "he isn't what they are" he would say "Those people aren't human" deep inside he new that all people can be not what they seem so it takes time for him to know understand and respect or appreciate anyone or anything


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Stalk Me...
by Ichimatsu_Nii-san