It's just a book about all my disorders and issues and hopefully I can help someone with this. I have to pretend, to talk to people. I have to lie to make friends. I have to be fake to be loved. -Julia 2017 You know that boy you pushed over yesterday? He committed suicide last night What about that girl you called fat? She's starving herself And that boy you teased for crying? His mother died that man you stole the little leather pouch off? He was homeless That child you said was retarded for being in a wheelchair? He risked his life to save a 4 year old How about that girl you pushed down the other day? She's already being abused at home He committed suicide a few minutes ago. That girl you called a slut in class today? She's a virgin. The point of this book isn't really to have someone to relate, it's to feel relief that someone is hurting just like you.