The Heir
By The_Mind_of_Cici
  • Fanfiction
  • agentsofshield
  • criminalminds
  • irishqueen
  • marineraider
  • ncis
  • unclevance


In the world of secret organizations, criminal investigation organizations, worldwide special operations teams embedded in all nation's military's, and world governments it makes sense that there would be a bit of crossing over between these worlds. When Gunnery Sergeant Cleopatra Cassandra O'Loughlin comes home to her New York apartment after a year-long deployment to find a dead Marine in her living room all her worlds come crashing together. The thirty-year-old Marine Raider and Heir to the Irish throne makes a call to the Director of NCIS and the Director of SHIELD for help. The crowned princess of Ireland must confront the troubles that now lay before her all while hiding her powers from the rest of the world. The big question is how and why does Cleo know Leon Vance and Phil Coulson? And are the Directors humble enough to admit when they need help?

The Fallen Comrade

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The Heir
by The_Mind_of_Cici