By Arabella_bell
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Kierasa winter white, daughter of Leo White and Cassandra Rose. Both of her parent is undoubtedly rich billionaire with each of them with their own business. Kierasa has a twin sister and a younger brother, but they never really close as Angelina and Kieran grow in their grand family's house while Kierasa live with their parent. Living in a big house herself, Kierasa learn how to be independent. She learn how to only trust herself and no one else. 18 years, living in a house that your own parent hardly come to. Sometimes you would be wondering if they realise that there is a living human in their house as they hardly comes home, probably 12 times in a year. Her life turn 360° as her mother having an affair and his father is gay. She honestly didn't know what to do as her mother request her to live with her father alongside with her siblings. How great can it turn out? Living in a new house with a sibling that hates you and a father that always tried to avoid you and act like you never exist? Now, throw in a new family with a new dad and two step brothers, how worst can it be? Oh it can. Daniel James Anderson is the bad boy of the new town. Literally living in her step's house like he is apart of the family, He turn Kierasa's life to trouble and new adventure. Crash each of Kierasa's wall of emotion, He grasp her heart like no one else could but there is one problem, Kierasa never let her guard down, no matter what. - "I have live 13 years of my life being alone having no one. Having my own father avoiding me and my mother busy with work, and siblings that 1 thousand miles away from me and hates me with passions. And if even for one second that you think I can't do anything by myself, without anyone supporting me. You are dead wrong. I have been supporting myself without anyone in my side and I survive." But, Even after everything, she still unsure of everything.


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by Arabella_bell