Tiny Riddles
By SkittleJerky
  • Random
  • clues
  • game
  • mystery
  • riddles
  • words


1) The goal is to figure out the five letter mystery word by using the clues given over a five day period. 2) A clue to one letter of the mystery word will be given each of the five days. 3) I will not confirm or deny any answers given until the fifth day when the last clue is given. I will then give credit to the first person to guess to comment the correct five letter word. 4) The "winner" of that round will then get to chose the next round's mystery word. They are to inform me through PM. 5) The "winner" may also help come up with the clues that correspond to their word, but this is optional. 6) The "winner" will not be allowed to tell any other user the answers to any of the clues and will not be allowed to give hints. 7) A round will occur once every two weeks beginning on Monday. First round will begin Monday, July 31st.

Rules & Guidelines

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Tiny Ridd...
by SkittleJerky