Rise Of The Black K...
By TheHated8
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • action-adventure
  • badboy
  • bloodandgore
  • darkhumor
  • demons
  • harem
  • paranormal
  • romance


Lucien has always been a troubled kid. Then he wishes that was all he'd have to be. His life ended in the span of a few hours of "shit gone sideways" and he didn't even realize it till it was to late. How will a normal teen cope with being ripped from his life and thrust into the war between all the supernatural forces hiding behind the vale of our world. Only it wasn't that simple because he soon realizes that he himself is the cause and the prize of whoever can catch him... unless he's able to do something about it before he's caught. Can he survive or will he belong to the forces fighting against him? =========================================== "Hello Michael. It is my greatest honor to be able to meet you." I stare at the man bowing before me inconfusion. "This is the third time I've had to tell someone my name isn't Michael but if y'all keep insisting then I'll just go along with it." The mans head snapped up and he stared at me. "You mean to tell me that you don't understand your own lineage?"

Life Or Death, Who Decides?

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Rise Of T...
by TheHated8