Belittling Thy Conq...
By Lumeira
  • Teen Fiction
  • romance


Jynx Joker wasn't always called Jynx. In fact, she never was until she got into a accident and went under surgery. Since then, she believed that she was bad luck and had people call her Jynx. Ever since her family died, she has been living with the Light family since. Crystal, her best friend, couldn't bear to see her living alone in the woods. So, she literally kicked Jynx into her house and made her live there. But, all that is about to change when the family decides to move to Tarnów, Poland. With Crystal going to her own school, Jynx is going to an all boys school called St. Brian until further notice. But, what if Jynx caught a certain teacher's eye? The gym teacher, Mr.Wren, notices how Jynx is different from the other boys. So, when Jynx's secret is out, she's blackmailed into doing what the handsome gym teacher says until he let's her go. But, what if he never does? Jynx, being mentally bound in chains by Shige Wren, can't escape or pick the lock that'll set her free. The worst part? Crystal doesn't even know how much shock Jynx is being put through. Being reminded heavily of her past a bit much, Jynx, one day, freaks out and gets Mr.Wren fired. But, what would you do if your ex-gym teacher was your families' assassin and was after you; but for the reason that nobody can expect? +++ Belittling Thy Conqueror = Underestimating Your [King / Inspector / Ruler].

Chapter I: Hears to Thy Doth

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by Lumeira