Fins | A Klance Mer...
By aaaadashi
  • Fanfiction
  • alluravoltron
  • hunkvoltron
  • keithvoltron
  • klance
  • lancevoltron
  • mermaidau
  • nymavoltron
  • pidgevoltron
  • rolovoltron
  • vld
  • voltron


{fin~/fin/~a flattened appendage on various parts of the body of many aquatic vertebrates and some invertebrates, including fish and cetaceans, used for propelling, steering, and balancing.} *** For the past four years, Keith has been a sailor, expertly maneuvering the seas and looking for his missing brother, Shiro, guided by the flames that roar in their blood and connect them. *** Lance has been a merman his whole life, frolicking in the ocean with his 17 older siblings and drawing sailors with harmful intent to their doom at the bottom of the ocean, rescuing those with pure hearts washed over in squalls. *** When Keith runs into an unexpected storm and gets washed overboard, he expects it to be the end for him, instead waking up with gills and a tail in the lair of Allura the sea witch, having been rescued by Lance from a watery grave. *** Lance wants as badly as possible to help Keith adjust and Keith just wants to keep looking for his brother, causing the two to get in each others way more than anything else. *** In the end, fighting can breed many emotions and the two young men may end up in a more conflicted situation than either of them could have ever imagined. *** ¡DISCLAIMER! All characters belong to Dreamworks and the writers of Voltron Legendary Defender. The plot is entirely mine, however.


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Fins | A...
by aaaadashi