In the Name of War
By Peacelovesmile12
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • adventure
  • angst
  • anime
  • completlymadeup
  • districts
  • fairytail
  • fanfiction
  • futureships
  • longstory
  • manga
  • sections
  • ships
  • war


There once was a time where there was peace in the city of Fiore, all was well. At least, until the Acnologia Corporation became into effect centuries ago, which completely destroyed the world as we know it. The Acnologia Corporation was suppose to create soldiers to protect the citizens of Fiore against the cruelty of the world, completely succeeding in their main goal as being the strongest military force alive and to destroy all enemies in it's path, but, sadly, it did it's job too well and became too strong for anyone to control. It became chaos, killing all that they see. The people who were suppose to protect the citizens of Fiore were now their greatest threat, for their minds and bodies have changed drastically to be the perfect predator. They all went insane, forcing children to wear the red tattoos to indicate that they were the next generation to become soldiers, transforming children to look like themselves. All hope was lost, until a new way to destroy the Acnologia Corporation became into view. Creating a new source of weaponry to defeat the bionically created soldiers. Five people were chosen: Dragneel, Cheney, Eucliffe, Redfox and Marvell. They were able to defeat the Acnologia Corporation with ease because of their, now, supernatural abilities, but with a cost that would soon lead to another destruction in the future. Wants to know more of the description? Read the rest of the description in the Prologue.


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In the Na...
by Peacelovesmile12