The Temporary Virgi...
By suckmyfretboard
  • Romance
  • adventure
  • american
  • awkward
  • bết
  • comedy
  • cute
  • end
  • fiction
  • friendship
  • fun
  • funny
  • humor
  • love
  • nick
  • non-teenfiction
  • partying
  • player
  • relationship
  • romantic
  • romcom
  • sexual
  • stupid
  • teen-fiction
  • temporary


Nick Nolten is the ultimate player; no mistakes and no regrets...well, except for the occasional name mix-up. He has it all. When his friend bets him he can't last a month without having sex, with money and pride at stake, the playboy Nick Nolten slips into temporary virginity. Of course, his friends don't believe he can keep it in his pants for a month and neither does Nick, but a bet's a bet regardless of how stupid it is. With twists and turns and sticky situations, it gets harder for Nick to hold out. However, as time passes, Nick begins to learn a little something about life, love, and about himself. Will he be able to pull it off? Or will he lose everything he's trying so hard to gain?

1. You Only Live Once.

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The Tempo...
by suckmyfretboard