My Best Mistake - V...
By CaeLeighAnne
  • Fanfiction
  • adrianivashkov
  • dhampir
  • dimitribelikov
  • moroi
  • rosehathaway
  • strigoi
  • vasilisadragomir


What happens when a Moroi spends a summer hiding out in Australia only to have a letter turn up fifteen years later that will flip their life upside down. Adrianna grew up moving between foster homes, having no real clue as to who her family was. She knew her mother died while giving birth to her while her maternal grandparents were killed in a car accident when she was five. She had long ago given up hope for finding out who her father is, long ago stopped dreaming that one day he magically turn up and return her to the life she should have had. It was like any other day for Adrianna when she was in the park with a group of boys she went to school with but it was the sighting of a stranger that caused her to think twice, a stranger that strangely enough had the same emerald green eyes as her.

Chapter 1

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My Best M...
by CaeLeighAnne