Dead Water || Thoma...
By kristinebb
  • Fanfiction
  • mazerunner
  • sangster
  • scorchtrials
  • tbs
  • thomassangster


Human minds are so interesting to study and to play with. They can make people go mad. And I know that all the best people are crazy; because crazy means fun; and I'm a funny person. I soon started to believe I was someone else. I convinced myself that the old me was gone and in his place stood a new young man with a different past, different friends and different thoughts. The problems occurred when I couldn't recall some important personal information. At least that's what they've told me. It has never been an issue to me though, but they said my so-called "problem" has reached a different level of a mental disorder. It wasn't a game anymore, it was something dysfunctional. They locked me up in a Mental Illness Clinic and I have been here for the last 3 years. They call me Thomas. Thomas Sangster. PS: English is not my native language; if you see nonsense or very bad mistakes, please notice me :)


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Dead Wate...
by kristinebb