The Land of Azeroth
By PhoenixWing513
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • creatures
  • fantasy
  • magic
  • mermaids
  • mythical
  • otherworld
  • pirates
  • teenagers


Elizabeth has never been normal. In fact, she's far from it. Her mother and father disappeared when she was 7. The went completely off the grid. And no one knew how. So she started living with her cousin in a new town. And when you have a new town, that means you have a new school. More like an Academy! Elizabeth now attends Liria Academy for Advanced Teens a.k.a. LAAT. Until she is suddenly sucked away into another dimension along with 3 other kids she doesn't know. Join Elizabeth, Julliette, Jack, and Daniel as they discover new secrets and mythical creatures in The Land of Azeroth. Will they ever get back home? And how did they get there in the first place? You will have to find out! (Lol this summary was terrible 😄)

Pre-Author's Note

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The Land...
by PhoenixWing513