"There are three kinds of people in this world, Miss Walker. The watcher, the fighter, and the wounded. In which do you belong? Who do you stand for? And, what do you do to change it?" I narrow my eyes at him. Of course I knew the answer to that question, but that didn't mean I would answer him. Leaning back on the extremely uncomfortable chair, which was already giving me a cramp, I replied. "The real question is, Doctor Jones, in which do you belong?" For a slight second, he stiffened. "You sit there so high and mighty, looking down at us troublemakers, but what do you do to make a difference?" Silence. "That's what I thought." x x x x Meet Thorn Walker. She is one strange case of a person. Pettit, skinny, imperfect, and completely natural. While her friends (if you can call them that) go party crazy and are all about boys, she would rather relax on her soft, fluffy, and blue chair, drinking hot chocolate and watching Supernatural. She has a backstory, and no. She isn't a runaway from home, nor is her mom a prostitute, nor is her dad abusive. They're divorced, took her brother away, and she got emancipated. End of story. Her life was normal, and everyday was pretty much the same cycle. Exactly. WAS. Until he came along. Until she spilled her entirely delicious whip cream extra chocolate with triple caramel sundae on him... ...and until he ate her nachos. That day, oh that day, it was on! She would train, become stronger, plot her revenge, learn how to fracking punch a bad boy, and serve justice to her stolen nachos. x x x x Copyright © _Rose_Vines_ Cover by @Adriana_V_Blade Forever thank you! And guys please give this story a chance! It's my first one and I hope it doesn't turn out to be a really cliché one, but you can't blame me. I love cliché stuff.