Beta 1.0
By Lapis_Skyris
  • Fantasy
  • beta
  • dank
  • fivekingdoms
  • thosedangkids
  • wings


Beta 1.0 is thought to be the perfect engineered specimen. She is smart, pretty but not perfect, wild, with white, speckled with brown, feathered wings, and incredible intelligence. She also was "gifted" with eyes gradiating from blue at the bottom to green at the top. And feathers mixed with her hair. The engineers who created her took 99 Betas to create her. The first Beta failed after a week. She was Beta 0.01. Now, Beta 1.0 is about to change the world forever. All under the watch of the critical and watchful eyes of the engineers at The Facility. ~~~ Bestow is the very opposite of the very opposite of the ideal citizen. He is short-tempored, rude, stubborn, sarcastic, and overall a nuisance. He lives in a nest in a church. Yes, a nest. Bestow has himself a set of black wings adorning his back and some curled ram horns on his head. And a church is overstatement or understatement at the same time. It's more like a REALLY tall stone tower used once every one hundred years to re-elect the Master Pilot. He is gifted with a sort of- power. He can summon people with a certain spell. He's a lone wolf. Constantly turning down anyone who comes to him. He isn't even considered a resident of Mestarian. That's because he wasn't born. He was hatched from an egg- ish. But his world was about to change, forever.

Beta 1.0

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Beta 1.0
by Lapis_Skyris