Maduelli Pura and t...
By SwiminInMadgen
  • Fanfiction
  • alternate
  • draco
  • fanfic
  • fiction
  • harry
  • hogwarts
  • longbottom
  • magic
  • malfoy
  • mystic
  • neville
  • philosipher
  • potter
  • rowling
  • sourcerer
  • stone
  • trevor
  • universe
  • âu


What if there was a world where a child born the same day as Harry Potter was far more powerful than him but extremely overlooked because they weren't as famous as him? That's where Maduelli Pura comes in, She killed her own parents, escaped from Voldemort, ran away to London, stayed alive, all before the age of 11. On her 5th birthday her full-blood family living "the muggle life" were attacked by Voldemort for fighting against him. Her parents at first sacrificed themselves for her but while she was trying to run Bellatrix grabbed hold of her causing an explosion of Maduelli's powers which caused both of them to become very weak and killed both parents. Follow Maduelli on her journeys of lost toads, friendship, marmalade cats, mirrors, "the cracker boy" and Harry Potter always being better than she would ever be. !!!!!!! This is a Harry Potter AU, all characters and themes that are not mine belong to J.K Rowling. Please enjoy :)

The Unfortunate Birthday

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by SwiminInMadgen