Absolutely Smitten...
By ded_atm
  • Fanfiction
  • absolutely
  • angst
  • fluff
  • kara
  • karamatsu
  • love
  • osomatsu
  • osomatsu-san
  • reader
  • romance
  • san
  • selfinsert
  • smitten
  • swears
  • violence
  • virgin
  • virginneethaha
  • xreader


Life as an artist wasn't everything you thought it was when you were young and naive. It wasn't always exciting, and you weren't always inspired. You weren't constantly creative and happy that you were doing something you loved. In fact, you were usually sleepy, not to mention cranky and sarcastic. However, that didn't mean you weren't nice or sweet, in fact you were both. It just took a little coffee and telling yourself not to punch this stranger to remind yourself what was important. Sighing, you pulled your way through life, and despite how crude you seemed, art was your gateway, and it never failed to make you smile pleasantly. Art...was well, your life, and you were fine with living a quiet, closed-off life, with few close friends you called family. But then--. You saw him. And oh, how painfully inspirational he was. Despite how he made you painfully warm by his poetry and compliments, you wouldn't hesitate to push him away, and that made him all the more determined. He would pester and compliment you, and you caught on very quickly that it would be very difficult to swat him away. And let's face it, you were to cowardly to do it, you couldn't see his heartbroken face, it'd kill you. His friendship was growing stronger with you, you couldn't help but notice the warm tingling sensation in your heart. And it was entirely up to you as to what you would do about these butterflies and embarrassing thoughts of yours.


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by ded_atm