euphoria (gxg)
By anymously
  • Romance
  • freethelgbt
  • gay
  • girlxgirl
  • gxg
  • heterochromia
  • high
  • iridium
  • lesbian
  • lgbt
  • school
  • student
  • studentxteacher
  • teacher
  • teacherxstudent


"Ayden Rolce?" "Huh?.. Oh! Yes, yes. That's me" I said still in a half dazed and confused state. I was looking in the direction that voice came from and all of a sudden my eyes locked with someone that had heterochromia iridium (two different colored eyes) "My name is Ms. Heaton, in case you weren't listening like the rest of the class" she said while trying to not crack a smile Well, at least she smiled, sort of, right? Guess I'm not in that much trouble. She continued, "I'll be your new English teacher since Mrs. Sage is retired. I was just going through the attendance list, so it's not that big of a deal that you weren't paying attention. But I'd appreciate it if you'd pay attention from now on." "Yes ma'am, I'm sorry" was my weak response, because honestly I zoned out the moment she said 'my name is Ms. Heaton'. Mhmm... Miss? So that means she's not married, right? Interesting....

Chapter 1

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by anymously