Blame: Book 2- Tick...
By bastillexgrethan
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • bastille
  • bastillecharlie
  • bastilledan
  • bastillefanfiction
  • bastillekyle
  • bastillewill
  • bastillewoody
  • charliebarnes
  • chriswood
  • coldcase
  • dansmith
  • drama
  • fanfiction
  • homicide
  • kylesimmons
  • murder
  • mystery
  • sequel
  • thriller
  • willfarquarson


(READ "BLAME: BOOK 1" TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS SEQUEL.) It's been a year since the Nightmare Murders, and Woody is still bedridden, trapped within the grasp of a coma. Meanwhile, Dan's leg had healed, and he was getting his career back on track after Will's life sentencing. However, life isn't the same after, and even with a new detective recruit, Charlie Barnes, Dan is still looking for answers, despite the Nightmare Murders being a cold case now. But when a foreign caller tells Dan some big news, it shocks him, and he soon discovers that not everything from the Nightmare Case is what it seems. BOOK 2 OF THE BLAME SERIES The plot of this book had been inspired by the book of @bastilles-heartache "Don't Leave Me Hangin". Thank you to @bastilles-heartache for writing her amazing book. YOU NEED TO READ IT. IT'S 300% BETTER THAN MINE. WARNING: THE CONTENT IN THIS BOOK MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME VIEWERS. (PG 13) COMPLETED ON DECEMBER 12TH, 2017

A Quick Author's Note

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Blame: Bo...
by bastillexgrethan