Just A Healer
By Reon-kun
  • Fantasy
  • abilities
  • action
  • adventure
  • fantasy
  • game
  • healer
  • hot
  • mafia
  • magic
  • magician
  • mmorpg
  • online
  • onlinegame
  • overpower
  • player
  • powers
  • sci-fi
  • sorcerer
  • vrmmorpg


Lucas Galileo Mizutani, also known as the mage healer LGM Purifier, was given a quest to protect an Amulet inside the online game Leimhyark Online. Having access to an alternative account through that Amulet, he discovered a dangerous secret hiding within the game that can ruin a whole real-life country, once it falls into the wrong hands. Join Lucas and the Dominion of Orion Guild in their quest to protect the amulet, uncover the secrets of Leimhyark, and prevent him from getting captured in-game and in the real world. Date Started Writing: March 2020 Date Posted: September 27, 2020 Date Finished: ******* Highest Rank Achieved: #1 in Sci-Fi [April 25, 2024] © Copyright of Reon-kun All Rights Reserved 2020

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Just A He...
by Reon-kun