The Horsemen (REWRI...
By VampireGirl1801
  • Fantasy
  • child
  • death
  • famine
  • goddess
  • gods
  • immune
  • modern
  • pestilence
  • powers
  • thread
  • war


Revelation 6 verses 1 through 8. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse​. Pestilence, the white horseman of desease and illness. War, the red horseman of violence and battle. Famine, the black horseman of hunger and starvation. And finally, Death, the pale horseman who leads the armies of hell to lead waste on Earth. I had always known of them. They were scary stories my friends, that went to church, told when they came to school. And they were just that, scary stories. Then it happened. I was caught in an argument. I was frustrated with my demanding boyfriend and had not eaten in a few days when he pushed me into traffic. Very heavy traffic. My body was tossed under one of those large, food semi trucks and ran over till I was on the edge of death. Worst thing yet, there was a deadly desease outbreak in the hospital. My body eventually gave out on me. To say, that was the worst day of my life. The Great Divine Being oversees all of our life's and mine just so happens to catch their eye. I don't know wether it was pity or just to screw me over, but I was reborn and placed in the care of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. Yup, I've definitely been screwed over.


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The Horse...
by VampireGirl1801