Simon Says | Discon...
By iamsusiii
  • Horror
  • action
  • afraid
  • blindfolded
  • demons
  • haunted
  • hiddengems
  • kill
  • killorbekilled
  • murder
  • run
  • runforyourlife
  • scary
  • simonsays
  • sparklerawards
  • survival
  • tricked


Let's play a little game of Simon Says. I'm Simon and you're gonna do what I say. If not, then you gotta run and never come out your hiding spot. Tricked into a game of Simon says, who would have known it will become this bloody. Claire, along with four other players, must learn to survive this bloody game in the middle of the night. "Her feet raced against the rocks of the dark forest and her eyes were blindfolded. Her sense of touch were what led her way to her escape but suddenly, someone grabs her hands. She was pulled to an abrupt stop and they blocked her mouth with their free hand to block the screams that were about to come out her mouth. Then, a bullet to the middle of her back passed through her chest which splattered blood against the trees and on the killer's hand. He faced the other players to say, 'Simon says'"

Chapter 1: 11:59

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Simon Say...
by iamsusiii