The Foreigner Who S...
By halie_wilson
  • Fanfiction
  • china
  • damon
  • great
  • matt
  • wall


•• The Great Wall, Commander Chen love story•• A six month voyage across the hot, dry, bone filled desert. A mission to find and trade the substance that can turn air into fire, that could win Wars and be made into monstrous weapons. A six month venture that had lead Tovar, William Grain, and Anna Grain all into a war they did not sign up for. Anna Grain is the younger sister of William, she was trained in the way of a sword, can find nothing better to do than fight. Anna fights and has fought along side her brother and her dearest friend (and perhaps love interest) Tovar for as long as she can remember. For she never fit in with the normal population of women. When she stumbles across the wall, and a war she wishes no part in, she too stumbles upon a love she has no interest in. A love in which she had stolen a mans heart, that man being one of the high Commanders of The Nameless Order. What happens when jealously strikes just as deep as the toe tail? What happens when you unexpectedly fall deeply in love?

Chapter One

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The Forei...
by halie_wilson