Our Bizarre Life
By NiqabiUndercover
  • Spiritual
  • ambitions
  • goals
  • insecurities
  • islam
  • muslims
  • romance
  • scary
  • spiritual


He grabbed my arm laughing, with his cheeks red on his tan skin, and hands cold from the winter chill. He pulled me up from the snow I slipped on, and my limp body sprung up with such force. He doesn't look strong, is what I first thought when I saw him for the first time. "You're heavy!" He complained, after I stopped wobbling. I gave him an annoyed look, and that sent him laughing again for some reason. He laughed at everything I did nowadays which oddly made me cringe outwardly, but inside I was sort of happy. Sort of? Yeah, sort of. Because I sort of.... wasn't on board with the idea of having had to marry him when I was still only 18. Neither was I sort of... mentally prepared for it. This is our story... Or rather our bizarre story.... Arranged and married... When the ambitious Raaida and the scary Harun are thrown into a loveless surprise marriage, they have no idea what to do. Breaking it off is the one thing they vowed not to do. So what do they do? Author's note: Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu guys, So it's my...fourth (or is it 5th?) story. It'll be another long ride... well if you can understand that I'm not exactly reliable when it comes to updating regularly -_- But nevertheless, if I want a change in my life, I'm going to have to learn how to do things the right way. I don't want to write a story that takes years to complete, and this time I don't want the updates to be so far a part that you forget the characters and the plot. But I can't promise you anything yet. However, you can expect a new update every week In Shaa Allah. :) Enjoy. Salaam.

Chapter 1: The News

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Our Bizar...
by NiqabiUndercover