The Hope of an Elem...
By xxAwkwardTurtlexx
  • Fanfiction
  • aragorn
  • evil
  • fellowship
  • frodo
  • gandalf
  • legolas
  • lord
  • lotr
  • ring
  • rings
  • sauron


I was always told that I was meant to do great things when the time came. I was taught things that I thought weren't real. I was told that I was from a different realm, but I was made to forget, for my safety and the safety to my people. I had begun to believe that my so called 'parents' were crazy and everything that I was taught was for nothing. Looking back at it all. I don't regret a single thing I was taught. To be honest... I wish I was taught more. It was a chance at a new life, one where I belonged and was needed. A life where I was the lost Princess, and a Warrior... no longer the loner that always sat in the corner with her head stuck in a book. Or even being the freak that was being taught a language that shouldn't even exist to my knowledge. Middle-Earth shouldn't be real, but to be honest...I don't really know what is real anymore. But I do know one thing that is real. Hope.

The Hope of an Elemental Nymph (LOTR Fanfic)

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The Hope...
by xxAwkwardTurtlexx