Playing With Fire
By splat109
  • General Fiction
  • choices
  • college
  • earth
  • elements
  • fire
  • friends
  • powers
  • water
  • wattys2017
  • wind


"We need your help." "With what?" "We want to go public." "You mean, have the Mentes known to the human race?" She nodded solemnly and I swear I could tell the words about to escape her mouth before she even spoke, but I had to ask a question, "Why do you need me?" "We need you as the face of this." "What do you mean?" "Like, show your powers to the world. Catch robbers, save people from murderers, solve crimes, anything to show off your powers and that we are good." "So, you want me to play hero?" "That's exactly what we want." When Sam gets kicked out of her home for being able to control the elements life could not have taken a bigger turn. She almost immediately gets involved with an entire group of people the same as her, Mentes. And when they ask her to be the face of their new revolution she can't help but say yes. Yet all throughout this she has to discover the ins and outs of college while making memories with friends without showing them her powers, well all her friends except one. And through all this she even gets her own 'mortal enemy' as the world would like to put it, or maybe, just maybe, the only person that understands her. This isn't your classic superhero and supervillain book, the lines are blurred and it will keep you guessing until the last moment while tearing your heart out at the same time.

Chapter 1: Playing With Perfection

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Playing W...
by splat109