Random Shorts!
By Les20026606
  • Random
  • colabs
  • fanfictions
  • originals
  • random
  • unfinishedstories


This is a book full of unfinished stories, and fan fictions. I figured that while they'll never be finished, I might as well let people read them. On the off chance that I do come back to them. Some of these are original. Please, do not copy. If you like some of the plot or character ideas, let me know. I'm almost always happy to lend my OC's (Original Characters) out. There are also a lot, and I mean A LOT, of unfinished fan fictions. Feel free to skip the ones you do or don't like. Feel free to skip any of them. All credit goes to wheres it's due, and I don't get any profit off of this. I simply do it for my own enjoyment. Feedback is always welcome. In fact, it's needed. Some of these are edited by my best friend, @BadLuckCharm1313. Some of them aren't. But please do keep in mind that some of these are really old.

Hunters! A Colab With Sarefena!

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Random Sh...
by Les20026606