A New Job
By thedressmaker
  • Fanfiction
  • based
  • bloodlines
  • series


"Anne, since to the resent events with Sydney we decided to make you our next top Alchemist. Everything that you are being taught will benefit you for the real world with the vampires. Under any circumstances do not let the vampires get to you, am I understood?" She looks scary, it made my hair at the back of my neck stand up. Do my parents know what kind of job I'm doing? Am I going to be like Sydney, and what happened to her? Does her death not mean anything to them anymore? I will get my revenge, even if they think I don't know about their system. Because I do. "Of course mam." Sydney told me that I should be polite even if they don't like me, because respect will bring me closer to them and their boss. She smiles and tells me that she would like to speak with my mother and father tomorrow. (Since it was Friday, they were both free.) I am the only child in the family, so I need to work for the Alchemists and get my money for college. Like Sydney, we had so much in common that many people think we are sisters even though we look nothing alike. I will always remember her in my heart. I smile at the the woman, because I knew I had a mission to find who killed Sydney and why.


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A New Job
by thedressmaker