Just Us(Asap Rocky)
By sissy_noelle
  • Fanfiction
  • asapmob
  • asaprocky
  • drama
  • drugs
  • funny
  • hate
  • heartbreak
  • hood
  • hoodlove
  • liar
  • murder
  • playboicarti
  • rakimmayers
  • rapping
  • romance
  • thug
  • thuggette
  • tragedy
  • urban


"I want you to forget me and everything that ever went on between us Epiphany", Rakim said. It broke my heart so much, that Rakim, my Rakim was breaking up with me. After everything we'd been through, the deaths the cops everything, he just leaves me. And the worst part of Rocky breaking up with me was the fact that we both knew that we never truly were together. All along we had been...........Just Us. And I'll never understand what that truly meant. "That's fine I understand Rocky", Epiphany answered back. It didn't matter that Epiphany didn't actually understand why I was ending whatever we had. Just like it didn't matter that I was being forced to break her heart. Nothing could reverse what I did to prevent this tragedy from happening. Nothing. And even if there was something I still wouldn't, because whatever me and Epiphany were would never be enough. She left me wanting more and more every time I saw her. Being........... Just Us wasn't enough. And whatever those two words meant, will remain a mystery. ****** A/N: don't read if ya don't like Pretty Flacko P.s I see all you people reading but not sayin nothing so can y'all plz be nice and give me feedback lol. Ya know vote, comments are my life, you can suggest stuff whatever idc just be active on there guys ⚡️⚡️👁

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Just Us(A...
by sissy_noelle