When love is near
By anonymousfly_13
  • Fanfiction
  • aldub
  • fanfic
  • maichard
  • romance


They say what you reflect will bounce back at you. So what if you radiate loneliness? How can that terrifying thing hits you back? The fact is anything/anyone that is too good to be true can be quick to be a candidate for a perfect match. It tends to glossify your cracking world in an instant giving you every solution to even tiny bits of your anxiety. It's like looking for a pair of sock, you decided to wear whatever you find because hey! It may not be its original pair, but still it is a sock. The same comfort will be catered to your feet, warm and cozy. Or maybe a day when you are searching for a perfect fit cover for a pot? Time is waisted to wander every cabinet and drawers in your kitchen that whatever pops up in front is considered as able to do the task. For you, it doesn't need to be the perfect fit, it just needs to do the job done. So what if you're lonely and suddenly one came along and as anyone that is hopelessly like you's initial reaction would have that kindling of hope that maybe, maybe it could happen no matter how impossible it may seem. You know it's wrong, but somehow it feels right. Or what if you're struggling your way to be better and be accepted,but the heavens are amazingly unfair that you fell in love with an angel? When love is near in your loneliest hour, will you come closer? When love is near when you're trying to be better, will you take risks to have it or be fitted for it? How will you make things right to make it last? But when the universe conspired to make the timing unfair, can you dare not to fall?

dare not to fall

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When love...
by anonymousfly_13