The Goddess of Mise...
By Banging_Bangtan
  • Fanfiction
  • loki
  • thor


Loki is in a spiral of misery and loneliness. With so many secrets that Odin won't tell him, will Loki ever feel better? Would a visit from his supposed sister change how he views the world? Or will her presence bring new threats to the gates of Asgard? A/N: so I know it says that the last part of this was published in 2017, but that's only because I edited a few words or something. I actually finished writing this is 2014 when I was 14ish years old. My researching skills at that time consisted of skimming a wiki page and I based the whole plot solely off the first Thor movie. So if some things don't make sense, or if some details don't add up in this fic, those are the reasons why. - 02/07/19

Chapter One: The Stranger.

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The Godde...
by Banging_Bangtan