Reflections of the...
By Konstanze
- Poetry
- 5555
- 5566
- 6666
- 8888
- 9898
- 9988
- 9999
- aaa
- aaaa
- aaaaa
- aaaaabbbbb
- aabacbcbb
- aabb
- aabba
- aabbacbcbb
- aabbb
- aabbcc
- aabbccdd
- aabbcdcd
- aabbcdcdee
- abab
- ababab
- ababcb
- ababcc
- ababcdcd
- abba
- abcabc
- acceptance
- accettazione
- acrostic
- adventure
- agenda
- air
- alike
- all-6
- alone
- amicitia
- andrea
- anger
- animal
- animosity
- annoyance
- another
- anxiety
- appearance
- ashes
- aspiration
- assignment
- attitude
- autumn
- away
- ayenamae
- bad
- battle
- beam
- beauty
- behind
- best
- birthday
- bitter
- bittersweetness
- black
- blanc
- blank
- blessing
- blossoms
- bond
- boredom
- born
- bother
- brainstorm
- breeze
- bright
- brighten
- broken
- bully
- bullying
- burdened
- call
- called
- calm
- camaraderie
- campus
- cannot
- care
- cat
- challenge
- change
- character
- charm
- chase
- cheer
- cherry
- choice
- christ
- christmas
- cold
- collection
- color
- colorless
- colors
- come
- comedy
- command
- companion
- complete
- considered
- consolation
- constellations
- constraints
- control
- corner
- couple
- crazy
- creation
- creator
- criminal
- crisp
- cry
- cursed
- daily
- danger
- dark
- dawn
- day
- debt
- deceptive
- delusion
- description
- destiny
- destroy
- details
- diary
- dictator
- die
- disappointment
- down
- drawing
- dream
- dreams
- dry
- dusk
- dust
- départ
- earth
- eight
- eighteen
- elements
- emotion
- empty
- endless
- enigma
- escape
- evade
- everyday
- everyone
- everything
- expect
- expectations
- experience
- eye
- eyes
- face
- faced
- fake
- fall
- falter
- family
- fantasy
- farewell
- fate
- fault
- feelings
- fellowship
- feud
- fiction
- fiery
- fight
- final
- fire
- first
- flight
- flowers
- fly
- follow
- fool
- forever
- forsaking
- found
- foundation
- four
- frail
- freedom
- french
- friend
- friends
- friendship
- frost
- funny
- future
- gayle
- gaze
- gift
- girl
- giving
- gly
- glynnys
- goal
- god
- gone
- good
- goodbye
- haiku
- halloween
- hallucinations
- happiness
- happy
- hardship
- hate
- hatred
- heart
- heaven
- help
- hidden
- high
- holiday
- home
- homework
- hope
- hourglass
- humans
- hunt
- ice
- ideas
- identity
- ignored
- impediment
- impossible
- impression
- individuals
- inspiration
- instinct
- italian
- jesus
- joy
- joyful
- judger
- judgmental
- junior
- just
- kaleidoscope
- kiss
- kitkat
- kitz
- lady
- lame
- lass
- last
- latin
- laugh
- leave
- leaves
- letter
- life
- light
- lil
- limericks
- limit
- lines
- little
- live
- loneliness
- long
- lord
- lost
- love
- lying
- madam
- mademoiselle
- man
- maple
- marionette
- mastermind
- matter
- mean
- memories
- meter
- mind
- mirror
- mischievous
- misery
- miss
- momentum
- moon
- morning
- mother
- mouth
- muse
- mystery
- nature
- negative
- night
- nightmare
- nine
- ninja
- noir
- non
- non-fiction
- notice
- obey
- obstacle
- ocean
- once
- one
- opened
- opposite
- orange
- ordeals
- order
- orient
- others
- outlook
- overconfident
- pain
- path
- peace
- people
- perfect
- perseverance
- persistent
- personal
- personality
- pest
- picture
- picturesque
- plain
- planet
- plans
- plants
- poem
- poor
- positive
- pray
- prayer
- precious
- predicament
- present
- pretty
- price
- pride
- problem
- providence
- puppet
- purpose
- pursue
- puzzle
- queen
- queenie
- question
- quiet
- rain
- rainbow
- random
- ray
- reality
- realization
- red
- reflection
- regret
- remember
- remembrance
- reminiscence
- reply
- rich
- right
- rise
- rock
- roll
- romance
- rosenthal
- ruin
- running
- sacrifice
- sad
- sadness
- sands
- sanity
- santa
- savior
- scenes
- schadenfreude
- school
- seasons
- secret
- seeker
- seeking
- senior
- serve
- seven
- shadow
- shadows
- share
- shattered
- shift
- shoo
- short
- shown
- silent
- situation
- sixteen
- skill
- sky
- slow
- smarty
- smile
- snow
- solitude
- solution
- song
- sorani
- sorrow
- soul
- special
- spirit
- spirits
- spiritual
- spring
- stagnance
- stanza
- stanzas
- star
- story
- straw
- stray
- strength
- stress
- strict
- strong
- subtle
- sudden
- summer
- sun
- suprise
- surprise
- table
- talking
- task
- teacher
- tears
- teen
- temper
- temporary
- ten
- test
- thief
- things
- third
- thoughts
- three
- tide
- tied
- time
- today
- together
- tomorrow
- tongue
- touch
- tranquility
- treat
- tree
- trial
- trick
- tricky
- troll
- trouble
- true
- trying
- turning
- twelve
- twinkle
- twisted
- two
- ugly
- understanding
- unfinished
- unknown
- unlocked
- unnoticeable
- unordered
- unskilled
- untitled
- vagabond
- vanity
- vast
- visit
- voice
- wait
- waiting
- waits
- wanderer
- wannabe
- warm
- water
- wave
- way
- weak
- wherever
- while
- white
- wild
- willpower
- wind
- wings
- winter
- wise
- wish
- wonder
- world
- worlds
- write
- writer
- wrong
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When you're in great emotion, brainstorm happens. And when brainstorm happens, you write a reflection of your soul — poetry.
The Unloved Heart and the Blue Soul
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