Stars In Their Eyes
By Lebasilove
  • Random
  • bychance
  • depression
  • originalcharacters
  • romance
  • triggerwarning


How Do I Describe It? Y'Know, that feeling, when you realize what's going on in your fucked up little mind? When you start to recognize your world is upside down? And then you meet someone. Not by fate... not by miracle... by chance. The boy you thought was always so happy all the time, that you envied him so? Or the girl who always smiled and was rowdy with a group of friends she says she can't live without?- What if that young man was always feeling lost and alone... never bearing a smile at home because there was never a need for one there? And that girl...? What if the only thing ever on her mind is the sight of her covered up bloodied wrists hidden in an old burgundy pull over sweatshirt when she closes her eyes and how impossibly lonely and afraid she truly is? When paths cross, eventually so will hearts. The most tragic love will end up the strongest... or so they hope.

Introduction- Numb

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Stars In...
by Lebasilove